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What House Lifting Can Do for Your Home

There are lots of considerations that one should take into account when building a house. One of those things is determining a home’s location, as it can affect the susceptibility of the structure to natural elements. For home owners who…

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State Farm Sells Its Tulsa Center for $46.5 Million

State Farm’s operations center in Tulsa, which has been here since December 2004, was recently sold to Lone Star, an Austin-based investment company, as part of a volume purchase of 23 State Farm facilities in 16 states. The company then…

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Hardesty Arts Center Recently Hosted “Forever Marilyn”

Last Friday, April 4, the Hardesty Arts Center in Downtown Tulsa hosted one of Hollywood’s superstars – or rather her 36,000 pound replica – Marilyn Monroe. The sculpture “Forever Marilyn” by famed artist Seward Johnson arrived on Friday afternoon for…

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Easy Lawn Care for Home Owners

A well-kept lawn can improve your curb appeal and increase the value of your property. Taking care of and maintaining a lawn, however, can be a daunting task. Fortunately, there are some easy ways to help keep your lawn healthy:…

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Using a Basement Sump Pump for a Dry Basement

If you own a basement that is located in a damp area or is located near a natural water table, then there are possibilities that your basement will accumulate water from below or even through the walls. Many new homeowners…

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Benefits of Double Glazed Windows

Double glazed windows consist of double panes of glass separated by an air space ranging from 0.63 to 0.73 inches. These types of windows have increased in popularity among home owners who wish to improve their homes’ energy efficiency and…

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Five Ways to Bring French Country into Your Home

French country interior decor is one of the most popular decorating styles. Other than the obvious elegance it brings, there are other factors that make this design a popular choice. For one thing, it can be a very cost-friendly option,…

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Important People You Should Have When Buying a Home

The process of buying a home involves a lot of people.  There are many things to consider when buying a home because you want to be sure that your money is not misused and that the people you are working…

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Closing of Zeledyne Glass Plant Gives Rise to CenterPoint Industrial Park

Two years ago, Zeledyne officials confirmed that its plant in Tulsa, Oklahoma would be closed. The news followed the company’s sale of its Carlite aftermarket business and Nashville auto glass plant to Central Glass Corporation. Today, the former Zeledyne property on 5555 S. 129thEast Ave is…

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