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The Best Flooring for Homeowner with Pets

For homeowners with pets, there is always extra care and attention that needs to be given to maintain the home’s cleanliness. One of the most important things to consider is the type of flooring you have. A durable type of…

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Oklahoma Gatesway Balloon Festival

Are you always looking for new activities that don’t cost a lot of money? If so, you’re in for a big treat because the Gatesway Balloon Festival will be happening in just a few weeks, on September 19th and 20th.…

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Sure Signs That Your Air Conditioner Needs Repair

Nothing is worse than a broken AC unit the middle of summer! There can be many causes behind an air conditioner not functioning properly, so before you try to fix it or call a heating & cooling professional to come…

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Arms For Arts: An Art Awareness in Tulsa

Come to Elote Café this Friday, August 1, for a fun night of arm wrestling competitions benefiting Tulsa Art Spot.  Arms for Arts is an art awareness event designed to educate people on what’s going on in the Tulsa art…

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Criteria for Choosing Home Appliances

There are a lot of factors are to consider when buying appliances for your home. The biggest thing to remember is to avoid making purchases on impulse. In order to spend your money wisely, take some time to do your…

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Tulsa’s Rescued N Ready Animal Foundation

Are you a pet lover? This is your chance to meet and find an adorable companion of your own. Tulsa’s Rescued N Ready Animal Foundation will be offering meet-and-greets this Saturday, July 26th, through Monday, July 28th, so people can…

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Stone Countertop Versus Wooden Ones

Most modern homes these days use stone countertops instead of wood countertops. While wood may be a cheaper option, there are many reasons why wood countertops are an impractical choice. Why are stone countertops better than wood ones? The aesthetic…

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Appassionata Duo Concert in Tulsa

The Appassionata Viola and Harp Duo of Tulsa has gained much notoriety and popularity in recent years, and this Sunday, July 20th, it will be performing at the Public Radio Tulsa-sponsored Summerstage Festival of the Tulsa Performing Arts Center Trust.…

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Making the Most of the Space in Your Small Kitchen

Do you have a small sized kitchen? It may be initially frustrating to figure out how to maximize its functionality, but the truth is, there are many ways you can make it both practical and attractive. Here are a few…

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Sushi Savings Friday in Tulsa

Every Friday, Tulsans can enjoy $2 savings on selected sushi rolls at the Whole Foods on South Yale. Whether you are a long-time sushi lover or have never tried it before, here is a brief summary of what sushi is.…

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