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Tulsa Botanic Garden Celebrates Day in the Garden on May 9

This coming Saturday, the Tulsa Botanic Garden will be hosting a special event call Day in the Garden to celebrate its beauty and raise awareness of its recently-added two-acre garden. The new garden is the Children’s Discovery Garden, and it…

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Creative Ideas for Faux Painting

When you want to redecorate, but do not have the budget available to install the wall materials of your choice, your next best option is to try faux painting techniques. Faux painting designs can replicate the aesthetic look of more…

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Restoring Your Old Wooden Furniture

Furniture is one of the major features of your home’s interior, which means it can make your home look fantastic…or unappealing. Over time, furniture naturally experiences wear and tear and can begin to look old. Many homeowners end up throwing…

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Why You Need a Basement Sump Pump

If you own a home that has a basement located close to a natural water table, then there is a possibility that your basement will accumulate water from below or even through the walls. If you want to keep your…

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Five Spring Cleaning Tips

Spring is one of the most beautiful seasons of the year, when nature refreshes and everything comes to life. For some, however, spring is also considered one of the most daunting seasons because of the inevitable spring cleaning. Are you…

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