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Tulsa City Officials Prepare for Winter

Winter weather can bring with it a beautiful blanket of snow and wintry games. But, it can also bring too much ice, which can be dangerous, especially on roads. In order to prevent accidents caused by slippery streets, the City…

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Tulsa Public Schools Considers New Defibrillators in Schools

Sudden cardiac arrest is life-threatening and can take a life in an instant. When there are people around who are trained to perform first-aid, however, patients have a greater chance of survival. To increase its preparedness in the event of…

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Tulsa Highways Planned for Landscaping and Tree-Planting

A beautiful entrance to the city is underway thanks to a landscaping project along Interstate-44 that is in the works. Up with Trees, which has taken the  initiative for years  to beautify the city and adorn its highways with natural…

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Getting Rid of an Ant Invasion at Home

We all make efforts to store our food in a secure way that will keep it fresh. Something that people don’t always think about when storing their food, however, is the importance of keeping it away from bugs as well.…

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New Project Turns Gilcrease Expressway into a Turnpike

A new plan for development has been announced by Governor Mary Fallin involving the Gilcrease Expressway. She has announced that the state of Oklahoma will be turning the Gilcrease Expressway into a turnpike, crossing over the Arkansas River. The plan…

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How to Clean Your Windows Properly

Clean windows can  illuminate your home. Having clean windows makes it easier to see outside, which allows you to enjoy the nature around you and also serves as an added safety feature. Oftentimes, though, windows become dirty and overlooked during…

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Six Home Organization Tips for Busy Families

Keeping everything on schedule and organized can be tricky when you have a family. Everyone has obligations, activities, and last-minute issues to address, and when both parents work, there is even less time to deal with things. There is no…

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New Tulsa Concept Plans to Assist Future Food Startups

A new concept in the food industry is opening its doors to Tulsans who are looking to make  their food dreams come to life. Kitchen 66 is a kitchen program designed to help food startups prepare before they launch the…

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The Importance of a Backsplash in Your Kitchen

Are you bored with the look of your kitchen and wanting to give it a facelift? The good news is that you don’t have to do a total overhaul to achieve a fresh look. Simply replacing your backsplash is a…

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