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6 Signs Your Home Needs a New Fence

Your fence serves as a boundary between you and your neighbors. It clearly defines your property. It also provides security and protects you, your family, and your pets. In order for your fence to remain functional, however, you need to…

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New Bookstore Soon to Open in Downtown Tulsa

Books serve as inspiration to many people young and old. Literature has a way of capturing your heart and mind and inviting you to different worlds apart from your own. It connects what’s real with what’s imaginary, and reading can…

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Tulsa CASA Hosts Fundraiser for Abused Children

Tulsa CASA is a special program that offers help to abused children within the court system. There are many cases in which children fall victim to abuse, and their traumatic experiences can have long lasting effects. Without any support, abused…

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Knowing When It’s Time to Remodel Your Home

Home remodeling can change the look and ambiance of your entire house. However, these types of projects can also be time-consuming and expensive. Whenever you’re considering remodeling your home, think about the overall investment you need to put into it.…

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8 Ways to Make Your Home Smell Good

A beautiful home pleases the eyes, but a nice-smelling home pleases all your senses. People naturally want to spend more time in an environment that smells good – it makes you feel more relaxed and at ease. It offers a…

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10 Essentials Every Bathroom Needs

Your bathroom is one of the most regularly used rooms of the house. For that reason, it needs to be well equipped. While making your bathroom a magazine-worthy picture of perfection may be unrealistic, having all the essentials is what…

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How to Maximize Your Tiny Closet Space

If there is one thing people who love to shop hate, it’s tiny closets. It is heartbreaking to see your small closet so full and overflowing after you have gone shopping or snagged some great deals at a year-end sale.…

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