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Zombie Cardio Kickboxing in Tulsa | The Unique Properties Team


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Zombie Cardio Kickboxing in Tulsa

Zombie Cardio Kickboxing in Tulsa

Tired of making excuses to avoid the gym? Start whipping your body back into shape by joining Zombie Cardio Kickboxing in Tulsa this October 24th for one hour and thirty minutes. This is a free event, so bring as many friends as you wish to experience the intensity and excitement of kickboxing!
This free health event is hosted by the Johnson’s Academy, and is made even more fun by incorporating a Halloween-zombie theme into the class. Dress as a zombie for this known killer workout! Just go online, search for this event, and click on the links to obtain free Brite tickets for you and anyone you know. There are exciting prizes to be won, such as prizes for the top three best dressed zombies!
There are a lot of benefits to kickboxing, such as:

1.       Burns fat, loses weight. This is a very effective aerobic workout. Aerobic workouts are known to increase heart-rate, which is important in burning fat and calories. With only a one hour work-out, one can burn as many as 450 calories!
2.       Improves strength.Boxing movements are well known to increase the strength of the upper and lower body muscles, but the punches should be thrown with precision and power. The targeted muscles include the abdominal muscles and the hamstrings. Core strength is enhanced as balance is improved through the many kickboxing routines.
3.       Improves coordination and balance. Cardio kickboxing is perfect for improving one’s coordination and balance, as well as enhancing reflexes.
4.       Prevents Health Conditions. Cardio kickboxing is very effective in improving cardiovascular health. Circulation is significantly improved through this activity, thus helping to prevent health conditions such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, obesity and even cancer.
5.       Reduces Stress. This is a very effective coping method, since punching relieves stress and high intensity work outs such as these increase endorphins, known as the “happy hormones.”

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Tulsa Real Estate
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