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Tulsa Beautiful Creates Monarch Waystations for Butterflies | The Unique Properties Team


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Tulsa Beautiful Creates Monarch Waystations for Butterflies

Tulsa Beautiful Creates Monarch Waystations for Butterflies

Butterflies are some of the most beautiful creatures in the world. Their colorful wings and timid flight makes them a wonder to behold. In their presence, anyone can appreciate the beauty of nature.

The Monarch Butterfly is one of the most easily recognizable butterfly breeds in North American, characterized by its large orange and black winds. They feed on milkweed and nectar plants in order to survive and migrate to and from Mexico every year.

To help Monarchs survive and continue to flourish, the City of Tulsa is creating a special station for Monarch butterflies to stop and feed. A new waystation will be opened near 85th and Lewis for butterflies to stop by and feed on milkweed and other butterfly-friendly flowers.

The new waystation is part of a beautification and sidewalk project in Tulsa. The sidewalk project has already been completed, making the streets between 81st and 91st on Lewis a major attraction. Sidewalks have been constructed for pedestrians to walk easily and safely around the community, and additions like the Monarch waystation are designed to make the experience beautiful.


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