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TPS Faculty and Staff Implement Initiative to Put Students in Schools | The Unique Properties Team


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TPS Faculty and Staff Implement Initiative to Put Students in Schools

TPS Faculty and Staff Implement Initiative to Put Students in Schools

Going to school is not just a required custom in children’s lives – it is an opportunity to make their futures better. Learning certain skill sets and gaining knowledge allow them to equip themselves with valuable resources to serve as stepping stones to improve their lives. By the time they graduate, they should be prepared to find a job and live a quality life.

Unfortunately, however, some students don’t understand that it is a privilege to go to school, as there are many places in the world where quality education is unavailable. As a result, they choose to skip classes and do something else, which is detrimental to them not only now, but, if repeated regularly, in their futures as well.

To combat this behavior, Tulsa Public Schools is implementing an initiative that will help reach out to students who are falling off course and encourage them to return to school.. This week, TPS launched its new program, Keep Our Kids in School Week, where faculty and staff will personally deal with absentees or “no show” students to encourage them to get back on track. The school year has started, yet there are students who haven’t attended class. Faculty and staff will go house-to-house to look for these students to personally emphasize to them the importance of returning to school. They will also track students down by making phone calls or checking social media to find out where they are and what they’re doing.

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