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Tulsa International Airport Looking at New Customer-Friendly Doors | The Unique Properties Team


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Tulsa International Airport Looking at New Customer-Friendly Doors

Tulsa International Airport Looking at New Customer-Friendly Doors

Tulsa International Airport has received continuous complaints about the security doors that were installed in the airport seven years ago. Many travelers have complained of the functionality of the doors and how they create a long jam when people are trying to leave and go home.

Tulsa International Airport is currently looking for new replacements for their security doors to maintain security, while also making them more user-friendly for travelers. The airport is hoping to install better and more efficient doors for their customers in the near future. According to airport management, they are looking to find “flow doors”, which are similar to the doors used in other airports.

New security doors are expected to be installed and finished before the year ends. Each pair of doors is about $500,000, and funds will be generated from the general revenue of the airport.

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Tulsa Real Estate
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