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Fundraising Event to Be Held in Tulsa for Sickle Cell Foundation | The Unique Properties Team


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Fundraising Event to Be Held in Tulsa for Sickle Cell Foundation

Fundraising Event to Be Held in Tulsa for Sickle Cell Foundation

Inherited diseases can be hard to combat because people are already genetically predisposed to developing them. Among genetically inherited diseases is sickle cell disease. It is a type of disease that affects the red blood cell, also known as hemoglobin, which are what bring oxygen into the body. Instead of a healthy or normal round shape red blood cell, sickle cell takes the form of a crescent shape, which inhibits the easy flow of oxygen throughout the body.

To create greater awareness in the Tulsa community, residents are promoting September as Sickle Cell Awareness Month. Efforts are being made to encourage people to learn more about the disease and how to detect its symptoms in their bodies.

Activities during awareness month will include a fundraising event to benefit the Sickle Cell Foundation of Oklahoma. The event will feature The State of the Mind Dinner and Pageant. The event will be held on Saturday, September 12th, at 6:00pm at Cornerstone Community Church. Participants are asked to wear white, and there will be a prize for the best-dressed couple. There will also be door prizes given away throughout the night night.

The State of the Mind Pageant is open to all with a donation of $20. Tickets can be purchased at Ralph’s Menswear.

Unique Properties
Tulsa Real Estate
Call us: 918-760-6959

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