Cutting Your Summer Electric Bill Significantly
With all of this hot weather, you probably find yourself a little more than slightly enticed to turn on your air conditioner full blast every evening and through the night. While school is out, kids will constantly turn on the TV and plug in their gaming devices. And with everyone at home, it is no wonder that lights, electric fans and small appliances are in use much more frequently than when parents are at work and kids are in school.
With all the activities going on at home, it is no surprise that your electric bill goes up… to say the least. So, what should you do to regulate your summer electric bills? Is there a way to cut the bill this summer? YES! Here are some ways how:
- Plan and bulk cook your daily meals that require to those that require less use of small appliances. That way, you can save energy from those that use the microwave, as well as stove and oven if you use electric. Grilling is popular during the summer, so take advantage of that!
- Seal cracks – especially in rooms where you use an airconditioning unit. Cracks will allow the cool air to escape the room and warm air to enter. This will make your airconditioner work harder in order to maintain a regulated temperature inside the room. Harder work, means more energy spent.
- Be smart with your laundry. Try to do full loads every time you do the laundry to save water, energy and even detergent. Minimize the use of your dryer as it will create additional heat in your home for your airconditioner to combat.
- Keep filters clean. This will maximize the functionality of your airconditioner and will make it work better, reducing energy use.
- Unplug devices when not in use. Remind everyone in the family to always unplug any appliance or device that they are no longer using to save energy.
- Make use of fans instead of your airconditioner. If the weather is not too hot inside the house, use your fans instead. However, turn your fans off when you are not in the room – they cool people, not rooms.
- Go outside more often. Go outside and feel refreshed with the warm weather – you’ll be wishing you had come winter. When everyone is out, there will be less use of energy inside your house.
- Use a programmable thermostat. This will regulate the temperature inside the house so your cooling units will not work too hard, and will not work overtime all night.
Close drapes and blinds on parts of the house where the sun hits the most. This will block the sunlight from coming in and heating up that part of the house.
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