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Why You Need to Set Some House Rules | The Unique Properties Team


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Why You Need to Set Some House Rules

Why You Need to Set Some House Rules

At some point, we all set rules around the house. “No shoes allowed.” “No jumping on top of the couch.” “No writing on the wall.” House rules can sometimes be met with lip pouting, eye rolling, and brows furrowing. But, even in the midst of resistance, it is important to implement these rules in order to maintain order in your home.

Here are some of the advantages and reasons for establishing rules in your household:

  • To encourage self-control. Without rules, bad habits can develop. Kids just want to sit and watch TV or play their games all day without any regard to time or responsibilities. House rules enforce moderation by limiting the amount of time they can spend on electronics, so they can participate in other aspects of life.
  • To keep everyone from getting sick. Rules like cleaning the table after meals or washing your hands after using the restroom will allow bacteria to build up, spread, and cause germs to make people sick. It is important for your family to be as hygienic as possible, which will compel them to clean.
  • To avoid fighting. If there are no rules, who gets to use the remote control? Who will use the bathroom first? Rules can maintain peace and order inside the house because they establish guidelines and expectations.
  • To prevent accidents. If people don’t clean when they spill something, others may slip and fall. If you don’t put away toys or clean up when something breaks, there will be sharp items on the floor that could injure people when they walk over them. If you slide down the banister, you will likely fall off.
  • To show respect for others. Certain rules teach everyone how to value respect and privacy. Knocking first before you enter a room respects the privacy of those inside the room.

To teach kids obedience. In the real world, there are rules for everything, and members of society are expected to follow them. Everyone is required to abide by  traffic rules, guidelines for behavior in public place, paying bills on time, etc. Your kids must start this understanding at home, so they develop the positive habits necessary to equip them for the real world so they don’t get in trouble.

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Tulsa Real Estate
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