Tulsa Public Schools Launches New Way to Tackle School Absenteeism
Going to school is crucial for childhood development. By being successful in school, kids set a strong foundation for themselves that puts them on a path toward success in higher education and good jobs.
Unfortunately, one of the major problems faced by schools these days is absenteeism, and Tulsa is no exception. Regular absenteeism affects how students learn because more absences mean lost learning time. In addition, the number of students attending class also affects teachers. State funding is normally based on the average daily attendance of students. If there are fewer in attendance, it can result in less teacher funding for their classrooms.
In order to address absenteeism, Tulsa Public Schools is putting forth a new effort. Teachers are going to start sending letters to parents whose children miss school. The letters will inform their parents how many times they have been absent in school over a period of time. The idea is to keep parents informed of their children’s activities in the event that their kids are skipping school without their knowledge. It will also help illustrate to parents just how much school their children are actually missing in order to put things in perspective.
The Schusterman Foundation will fund the letters of absenteeism, and TPS is hoping to gain better attendance once letters are sent out and parents are informed.
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