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6 Signs Your Home Needs a New Fence | The Unique Properties Team


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6 Signs Your Home Needs a New Fence

6 Signs Your Home Needs a New Fence

Your fence serves as a boundary between you and your neighbors. It clearly defines your property. It also provides security and protects you, your family, and your pets. In order for your fence to remain functional, however, you need to keep it in good condition. Does your fence need repairs?

Here are a few signs:

  • Decay – If you see your wooden fence starting to decay, it’s time for a new one. Though decay starts small, it gradually grows over time, so repair it before your fence becomes so weak that it breaks.
  • Damage – Does your fence show signs of damage? If so, replace those parts immediately, so it does not ruin the rest of the fence.
  • Rust – If you have stainless steel fences, and they start to rust, it’s time to take action. Rust can give people and animals tetanus if they hurt themselves on the fence, and if the rust gets in their system, it can cause major health problems.
  • Sagging – Does your fence sag or lean to one side? That means the structure is no longer sturdy and reliable. Sagging means that one part of your fence is damaged, which makes it vulnerable to thieves at night.
  • Missing parts – Check your fence to see if there are nails, screws, or bolts missing. If so, then have them replaced. Missing parts will make the fence easier to uproot and let anyone in.
  • Parts separating – If some of the sections of your fence are separating, the big gap can let dogs and other critters in (or out). Fill them with new materials immediately.

Unique Properties
Tulsa Real Estate
Call us: 918-760-6959

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