Tulsa CASA Hosts Fundraiser for Abused Children
Tulsa CASA is a special program that offers help to abused children within the court system. There are many cases in which children fall victim to abuse, and their traumatic experiences can have long lasting effects. Without any support, abused children do not have the guidance on how to handle the emotional after effects of abuse, which can lead to problematic behavior and repeated cycles of abuse.
That is where Tulsa CASA steps in. The program aims to provide the necessary support services to child abuse victims during their court cases. As of now, there are more than 2,000 children in Tulsa County that are involved in court cases dealing with abuse.
To fund programs and financial support for these children, Tulsa CASA will be hosting a fundraising event next weekend. The event will include dinner and a variety of entertainment throughout the evening, including dancing, casino-style games, wine pulls, and live and silent auctions. The theme of the event will be the golden era of 1922.
If you’re interested in supporting this important cause and would like to have fun while doing so, you won’t want to miss CASA Casino: Party Like It’s 1922 at the Hyatt Regency on Friday, March 4th. Tickets are now available for purchase.
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