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Extra Money from Christmas Parade Donated to Help Oklahoma Military Families | The Unique Properties Team


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Extra Money from Christmas Parade Donated to Help Oklahoma Military Families

Extra Money from Christmas Parade Donated to Help Oklahoma Military Families

Military people live a noble life. They risk their lives to save and protect the country, but outside the line of fire, they also face financial issues and other problems that arise from their military duty.

Many soldiers in Oklahoma are not living fortunate lifes, as they lack the financial necessities to cover basic expenses, support their families, and get ahead. That’s why the non-profit, Soldier’s Wish, offers support to soldiers in need.

Recently, a blessing found its way onto the doorsteps of Soldier’s Wish. Extra money raised at the Christmas Parade in Tulsa chose Soldier’s Wish to be its recipient of the funds. The money is is being granted to the organization to support their programs and their cause.

Approximately $2,500 was left over from the Christmas parade, and all of it is being donated to Soldier’s Wish. Apart from the recent donation, organizers of the parade also donated extra money to the organization last year.

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