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City of Tulsa Street Crews Repair Highway Lights | The Unique Properties Team


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City of Tulsa Street Crews Repair Highway Lights

City of Tulsa Street Crews Repair Highway Lights

Many sections of highways in Tulsa are poorly illuminated during the nighttime hours – sometimes not at all – and drivers are complaining. Lights in many of these areas are out due to copper theft, and the City of Tulsa street department has started making repairs.

More than 6,000 lights are located along highways around the city, and three repair crews are addressing those that are not illuminated. Lights are back on from Highway 75 to Yale along Highway 11. More epairs are also due to be completed along Yale and Memorial.

The City is creating a new task force to address the issues and keep the lights on, preventing additional theft in the future. A new contractor has been hired to help with planning improvements for the light posts, including tamper-proof junction boxes for each post.

The Street Department is also hoping to change lights to LEDs for practical reasons like energy-savings and computer monitoring for police alerts. Tulsa City Council is looking for additional ways to fund the light repairs and upgrades.

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