Tulsa Public Schools Considers New Defibrillators in Schools
Sudden cardiac arrest is life-threatening and can take a life in an instant. When there are people around who are trained to perform first-aid, however, patients have a greater chance of survival. To increase its preparedness in the event of an emergency, Tulsa Public Schools is considering buying 110 new defibrillators to be installed in every school throughout the district.
Defibrillators are electronic devices that give an electric shock to the heart when someone is having a heart attack. Patients experiencing sudden contractions of the heart can be saved using defibrillation and CPR. It brings back the normal contraction rhythms of the heart.
In addition to installing the new devices, school staff will also undergo training on their proper usage. Even high school students will be joining some of the trainings as a part of the state-mandated CPR training for high school students. Schools that are already undergoing training will also go through the AED training.
As of now, the school board is still considering the new device additions, which will be voted on soon. Each defibrillator unit has a cost of $1,200 including basic training.
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