How to Clean Your Windows Properly
Clean windows can illuminate your home. Having clean windows makes it easier to see outside, which allows you to enjoy the nature around you and also serves as an added safety feature. Oftentimes, though, windows become dirty and overlooked during normal house cleaning, resulting in streaks and blurred lines, as well as dirt buildup. Even if you try cleaning your windows, if there is still residue afterward, that means you’re not doing it correctly.
Below are a few common mistakes that you should avoid when cleaning your windows:
- Cleaning on a sunny day. It may seem like a good idea, but cleaning the windows when the sun is out will only dry your cleaner faster, causing it to leave streaks on your windows. Try cleaning your windows on a shady day or in the evening when the sun is lower in the sky and less intense.
- Not vacuuming the dust first. Whenever you wipe your windows with a moist towel, do you see wet dusts left behind? Vacuum or dust your windows before you wipe them, so you can truly clean the glass and not just move around dirt.
- Using any cleaner that’s available. There are different kinds of cleaners out there, and not all are created equally. Be sure you are choosing a specific window cleaner and not an all-purpose cleaner, as it is formulated to thoroughly clean glass without damaging it.
- Not using enough cleaner. Some people do not use enough window cleaner when cleaning their windows. If you skimp on the cleaner, your windows won’t get fully clean, and you’ll have to waste time cleaning them a second time in order to fully clean them.
- Using newspapers to dry off your window. This is an old myth that is actually not that effective. Using newspapers can get messy. Use an absorbent clean cloth instead. Microfiber cloths are the most effective for drying glass windows.