University of Tulsa Offers Solution for Better Test Scores Among Students
Most students strive to do everything they can to do well in school. They do their homework, participate in school activities, and focus on getting good grades. Unfortunately, not all students find it easy to achieve the high scores they seek, and as a result, they can become discouraged and less likely to do well on their tests.
Recently, a study from the University of Tulsa revealed why many students are not achieving high test scores. The research project on air quality indicated that since classrooms often become too hot and stuffy, students do not get quality oxygen intake, which affects their mental capabilities.
According to Dr. Richard Shaughnessy of the University of Tulsa, classrooms that are not ventilated well create a negative impact to the performance of students. Fresh air from the outside can significantly improve their ability to do better.
This connection between fresh air and good test scores is the first of its kind. The study was done with 140 fifth-grade classrooms using a carbon monoxide monitor. Classrooms that were colder achieved a higher score in math. Every 1-degree drop in the temperature increased the average scores by 12 points.
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