Brady Heights in Downtown Tulsa Offers Historical Homes Tour
With the resurgence of Downtown Tulsa’s entertainment districts like the Brady Arts District, Blue Dome District, and Deco District, there has also been a renewed interest in downtown living. Old buildings are being converted into condos, and new buildings are being constructed. Surrounding the edges of downtown, however, are several historical neighborhoods whose houses have been around for 100 years or more. Brady Heights is one of those neighborhoods, and this weekend, many residents are opening their homes to the public for a historical home tour!
Historical homes offer a wonderful glimpse into the past. From their distinctive architecture to their insight into a community’s people and lifestyles of the past, they are full of character and stories. If you love history and would like a chance to know more about historical homes in Tulsa, then this Sunday’s event is for you.
The Brady Heights Historic District of Tulsa will be taking place this Sunday, September 27, from 10am to 5pm. During the tour, 12 homes will be vision display, including the Curtain Home and the Brady Mansion. Attendees will also get to see a home that is a verified Craftsman Style Sears Catalog home and the site of the Reuter Murder.
Tickets are $10, and children under 12 are free. A discounted rate of $25 will be available for groups of three.
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