What to Put in Your Home Survival Kit
Being prepared from a safety perspective is one of the smartest things you can do for you and your family. As they say, it’s best to hope for the best, but prepare for the worst because you never want to be caught off guard or ill-equipped in an emergency situation. This is especially applicable at home.
One way to prepare is to have a home survival kit on hand that includes items you may need during a disaster situation. The idea home survival kit is a one-bag kit that offers things you can use in the aftermath of natural disasters, long power outages, extreme weather conditions, or during dangerous storms.
Below are some essential things you should have in your home survival kit:
- First-aid kit – This is important in case someone in your family is injured during an emergency event. A first-aid kit should include bandages, medicine, ointment, and rubbed alcohol for a disinfectant.
- Flashlights, emergency lights, candles, and matches – These are crucial during power outages and offer temporary lighting at night. Have extra batteries as well in case you experience power outages that take days or even weeks to resolve.
- Extra cash – Some extra cash will come in handy if you need to buy more food or pay for something. During natural disasters, your money can be lost, ATMs may not work, and banks may be shut down. Cash is a huge survival tool in those types of situations.
- Ready-to-eat, non-perishable foods – You need to have sustenance that does not require any sort of cooking. If you run out of electricity or have no gas for cooking, having non-perishable food on hand will prevent your family from going hungry.
- Bottled water – Water is crucial to survival, and it is important to stay hydrated. During disasters, access to water and bottled water can become very scarce. Have some on hand for your family.
- Battery-operated radio – In an emergency situation, you want to be aware of what is going on around you. Certain information can be very important to know, such as whether or not it is safe to come outside and where you can find food and shelter if necessary. Listen to your radio for updates concerning your community.
- Hygiene items – These include soap, toothbrushes, toothpastes, toilet paper, and body wash items. Having these on hand will allow you to stay clean and reduce the risk of being vulnerable to bacteria and viruses.
- Forms of entertainment – If you get stranded at home, entertainment can help manage your worries and alleviate boredom. Have some playing cards or simple games on hand, so you and your family will have something to do.
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