New Development Plans Considered for Tulsa Performing Arts Center Parking Lot
The two acre plot of land across from the Tulsa Performing Arts Center has served as a parking lot for the past 30 years. With all of the development that has recently been happening downtown, however, the PAC is entertaining the idea of developing the land.
The PAC board of trustees is interested in tapping into the growth of the area, and many proposals have already been submitted for ideas to develop the PAC-owned lot. Developers are coming up with various plans to turn the empty lot into something more progressive like an apartment building, restaurant, or grocery store.
Recent proposals submitted to-date have included a ground-floor retail and restuarant space with apartments on top, a 12-story apartment building with a 35, 000-square-foot Reasors grocery store and parking below, and a mix of hotel/condo units with a grocery store, parking, and shops.
All of the ideas are being evaluated by the board of trustees to determine if they want to develop the land or leave it as is currently is.
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