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Oklahoma Gatesway Balloon Festival | The Unique Properties Team


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Oklahoma Gatesway Balloon Festival

Oklahoma Gatesway Balloon Festival

Are you always looking for new activities that don’t cost a lot of money? If so, you’re in for a big treat because the Gatesway Balloon Festival will be happening in just a few weeks, on September 19th and 20th. The unique festival will take place in Claremore and feature over 30 hot air balloons from around the country. The event is completely free, and in addition to the balloons, there will also be live entertainment, arts and crafts vendors, and food. There will also be pony rides, sponsor exhibits and helicopter rides.

Here are a few fun hot air balloon facts:

  • Do you know that the hot air balloon is the oldest human carrying flight technology? The first hot air balloon was created on November 21, 1783 in Paris,
  • What makes up the hot air balloon is a bag, commonly called the envelope, that is filled with heated air from an open flame. A wicker basket, also known as a gondola, is suspended beneath the envelope and is where passengers ride.
  • The heated air inside the envelope makes the balloon buoyant because it has a lower density than the surrounding colder air. This is the reason why hot air balloons cannot fly beyond the atmosphere.
  • In the 1970s, there was a trend of creating hot air balloons in all sorts of new shapes, such as rocket ships.

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