Conestoga Convention in Tulsa, Oklahoma
If you’re a science fiction and fantasy enthusiast, then you’re in luck because this weekend is the annual Conestoga convention in Tulsa. The event celebrates science fiction and literature about fantasy and art, but it also attracts a lot of horror, anime, and comic fans. The convention is known for several famous activities. One is filk singing, which is a play on folk, also known as filking or gaming. A writer’s track is also available, as well as an art show, a masquerade, and a play by the Penguin Playhouse Troupe.
The first convention happened in 1997 at the Radisson Inn. It was a small event, and rooms served multiple purposes. It was a bit disorganized at first, but attendees saw the potential in what the convention had to offer, so it began to collect a following. The second Conestoga convention happened at the Sherton Tulsa Hotel, and again, it experienced a bit of disorganization when it was interrupted by a group of football players who were having a rowdy going away party for their coach. After an unusual start, however, the convention began to blossom.
In 2008, the Conestoga convention attracted 675 attendees, and the art show raked in over $5,000. The charity auction raised $2,000. There were lots of activities, such as a birds of prey exhibition by Royal Gauntlet, speed dating for authors, writing workshops, concerts, and a special gala dinner. Unfortunately, the convention was put on hold after its 14th year in 2010 due to financial and logistical reasons, but the event proved to be a strong representation of the comicon community in Tulsa. This year, Tokyo in Tulsa will be taking place July 11th-13th, which provides the community with similar activities and more, as it has taken the experience to a whole new, larger level.
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